Portfolio | Jakob Lundoe
Sound Designer, Developer and Composer
My name is Jakob and I work with audio design, interaction design and everything in between.
I am highly passionate about creating immersive interactive experiences through sound. I find the process of recording and designing sounds, as well as the development of interactive systems to implement the audio very enjoyable and rewarding.
I have experience in many different areas of sound design and audio-post, which includes: field and studio recording, dialogue edit, sound effect design and edit, foley, mixing and mastering. On top of that I have a strong foundation in the implementation process of audio in games and interactive software. Besides the middleware engines Wwise and Fmod I am also competent in the different software development processes. This covers programming in C# and JavaScript plus a general understanding of development environments, dependencies, version control, etc.
Lastly, I have an extensive background in electronic music and a strong foundation in music composition and production. A skill I find very helpful in the audio implementation process where sound, soundscapes and music connects in harmony.
Above all, I love solving problems and finding creative solutions in collaboration with the team. Game development is an interdisciplinary field after all, which I find truly exciting!

Jun 2024 - present
Frontend Developer
Project | Part time
Web design and development
- Project Management
- UX/UI design
- HTML, CSS, Javascript
- Versions Control (Git)
From design to development of my portfolio website I have gained a lot of knowledge with the general concepts of web frontend development.
Aug 2023 - Feb 2024
Technical Sound Designer
Company: Gumbo Games (startup) | Part time
- Developing audiosystems in Unity with C#.
- Using the version control software tool Git in the development process.
Learned a lot about remote collaboration and how to use version control tool Git in the development process.
Jan 2023 - Aug 2023
Software Developer, Sound Designer
Company: AateVR | Internship
Master’s Thesis Collaboration
- Design, conceptualization and project management.
- Programming in C# and Unity, as well as deploying the software (code signing and apple’s notarization process).
- Audio production and software implementation.
Broadened my knowledge and experience with user testing as well as managing a development process within a larger research project.
Mar 2024 - Apr 2024
Mix Engineer, Composer
Music Production | Freelance
Published two tracks in a collaboration project. Follow this link to listen.
- Composition
- Music production
- Mix engineering
Apr 2023 - Aug 2023
Sound Designer, Composer
Short Film Production | Freelance
The short fiction Žebra was made in the spring and summer of 2023 and as a key member of the project my responsibilities was everything related to the audio aspects of the production. That includes the audio post-production and scoring of the film.
Tasks and areas of responsibility
- Dialogue edit
- SFX design
- Foley
- Sound edit
- Scoring
- Mix and master
It was such an inspiring experience creating and experimenting with the sonic universe and mood of the film and I gained a lot of new knowledge in the area of audio post-production and scoring.
The film was screened as part of the official selection at ISFF 2ANNAS 2024 in Riga.
Aug 2022 - Dec 2022
Lead Sound Designer
Program: DADIU | The National Film School of Denmark
As Lead Sound Designer I participated in a semester long course in game development, with a strong focus on the practical aspects of developing on large interdisciplinary teams. Link to final project.
Tasks and areas of responsibility
- Vocal expression recordings and edit
- SFX design
- Foley
- Implementation in Wwise and Unity.
- Mix and master
My two mentors during the production was Bjørn Jacobsen (Cujo Sound) and Martin Stig Andersen.
2021 - 2024
Audio Design | Aarhus University
Master of Science (MSc) in Information Technology (Digital Design, Audio Design).
2017 - 2020
Bachelor of Music | The Royal Academy of Music
With a focus on audio engineering and production, sound design and contemporary electronic music.
The Odin Project - Foundational Course
Extensive course in event-driven programming and front-end software development. Some of the topics included: version control with git, algorithmic understanding, JavaScript, html and css.
Wwise 301 - Wwise Unity Integration
A course which covers the integration between Wwise and Unity and covers all the tools necessary to implement audio and music from Wwise into the Unity game engine.
Wwise 201 - Interactive Music
A course which covers everything related to implementing dynamic music with Wwise and highly focused on the possibilities and obstacles present when composing in an interactive context.
Wwise 101 - Wwise Fundamentals
A course which covers all the fundamental Wwise features and workflows in setting up audio in an interactive context ready for implementation.